The Eeenglish patientu
Posted by
Elithraniel Arawion
on Sunday, November 23, 2008
Here i am beings the eeenglisu patientu because-u today i happenings to meetings oone verrry interesting persons-u that wantings to know the ways to one place-u. But she thinkings su that i don't know tamil and talkings to me in the eenglisuuu.. you understandings aah? Anyways, i was the walkings to the buss topu and was standings waitings for the bussu to come when the ladies approachings me and askings very eeeemportant koshtin in the eenglisu...
"Where to go for porur?", she the askings, leavings me the dumbfounded. I not understandings a word she sayings so decently i askings "pardon me". She smilings. I was wonderings why all adventures happenings in connection buss for me. "You not know eeeenglis?", she askings me kindly. That throwings me long long ways. "I the understand", i stammerings.
"Oh oh... You not know proper eenglis? All these girls these days not know proper eenglis even though they studyings in the eeenglis medium school. Grooming is not nice i tell you", she the complaining. I the gaspings. THIS LADY THE TALKINGS ABOUT THE PLIGHT OF THE EENGLIS... i not bearings.. i decidings to show her who the boss is.
"Look", i tellings her. "Eenglis is very the tough language to the understanding. I can see that you have the masterings it but i haven't. Don't keep the complainings. Why not you startings a coaching centres to teach the eeenglis to the poor childrens?". i the retortings. Suddenly for her bulb is oning and bell is ringings.
"Yes yes", she sayings. I am hopings it is not what i am dreadings. "I am going to the start one coaching centre for traning all these childrens in proper eenglis. I am thinkings that i won't even charge the fee. it will be free. you want to the join?", she lookings hopefully at me. Sarcasm is the lost, i'm thinkings.
"Its wokay madam", i consoling her. "I'm very the busy with work now but i am tellings you, your students beings the very lucky. Tell my congratulations." She the satisfied and walkings off, leavings me nostalgic.
I'm thinkings of a particular physics teacher in the school where i was the studyings who gave amazing dialogues about the girls who are the wearings short skirts.
"All these girls want to do is show the boys boys boys their thighs thighs thighs"
haha... funny...
he he englipish peter roundifyings was the nicings. You be delvelopings tis languagu a bit further and claim your famings.
englisipish paavam;P
@ swetha
yesings. you the joinings the trainings?
whenings?wherenings? gladly yesings? ing familyings? nicings no?
@ arc
surings. tomoroow also ings... what sayingss
shoor.shoor. venueings? no, we shouldn fight for thalaivi post and all.we will share it;-);-);-)
lol! :P
@ arc
done things... we shall the meet at the gangotree becoz me usually the hungries.. what say :P
@ iysh
ty :P
Hillarious I say...
wokay. ofchoursh! whenings?:P
@ arc
u tellings the time and placings?
you really meanings thisings seriousings?If so, me yesings. any food joint:P FOOD!
thats was funnys...laughings i was but shutup because bad looks gettings from office peoples
ps: smthn for ya on my 100th post :)
thighs for what?
hehe kalakura po.. tmrw is my last day kannaaa
@ mayz
@ chriz
u peoples are funnies and murders the englipis in manners hearts less!
I digs grave for the englipis languages and buries and saying rests in pieces :P
@ gerimox
u needings any the help in the diggings the graves?
mrs.Vidjula ......right? or
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