Lethal weapon!

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This afternoon while i was shopping with Father P, i found out the reason why most sons in india grow up afraid of their mom, atleast until they introduce their girlfriends to her :P .

And no, Father P will not steal any credit for this post (hmmmpf! *mumbles* i give him little space and he overtakes me!)

Errr... anyway..getting back...

At the billing counter, i am waiting as father p examines all those necessary things (like biscuits, tortilla chips, jalepeno conserve) that i snuck into the shopping cart when he wasn't looking, so that the billing can happen when a small boy and his dad were getting their stuff billed. And they broke out into an arguement. He was clutching a kurkure packet to his chest protectively, protesting and throwing a fit about keeping it back.

The father first tells him calmly that he's not going to buy it, then a little stern. Then shouts at his son. He tries to grab the bag but the boy dodges and the rest of us snigger, much to the embarrassment of the father. (Here Father P says : Don't laugh. You were much worse when you were a kid. I was so embarrassed, i wouldn't even take you out of the house half the time coz u made such a rucous everywhere!) Ahemm..

So the father tries various means but the boy holds a death grip on the chips packet. Finally, his father used a lethal weapon

"If you don't put that down now, i'll tell your mother", he said, puffing his chest and pretending to call out to his wife

The boy's expression changed instantly from defiance to surrender. He meekly let the father pull the packet away from him and put it back on the rack. When the father came back to pay, he pulled at his sleeve. The father looked down.

"I gave it back. Don't tell mother ok? Promise?"


Madman said...

what u are saying actually happens the opposite, they are more afraid of father. when you were a child what packet did you wanted to buy hehehe.......

Swetha said...

hahaha.. yea de usually kids are scared of their mothers.. some technical problem :P :P.. anyways a good one!! :) :)..

Onion Insights said...

Mothers can be stern but loving. Won't you agree? Anyway nice and funny observations..

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Arv said...

I take exception.. I was pampered by both :P

The Unsure Ascetic said...

I dont think so, I was the other way around. Mom was most liberal.

Arc said...

I agree. Moms are finicky:P

Nice new look :) I like!:)

Anonymous said...

Can't really say, for some people it's the mother, and for others, it's the father... for some it's both, and for others, they literally have the most lineant parents...

Unfortunately, I am not qualified to comment, as I was much worser than that lil' guy in the store.


Nikhil Menon said...

LOL ad even then,we have gals like u who put poor fathers like father P on the spotlight and create haywire.. :I

paavam uncle.. :(

Kiddin!!! U and ur dad totally ROCK!!!! :D

Take care gal..belated congratulations on getting into ACJ,I happened to see the list quite a while back..Slack memory.. :)


Anonymous said...


In my case, I'd be clutching onto an archie comic for dear life with both my parents trying to take it away!!!

amit said...

I was more afraid of my father.
But now things are fine. Now all of us are afraid of my sis. :|

Abhishek Behera said...

lol - but umm.. only side of the story..

Neethu said...

hehe...nice one...earlier it used to be "i'll tell your dad"...things strarted changing h?;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Neethu...

I wonder what your dad would have said (I'm sure it would have been something simply classy)

Have a great weekend :)


SINdhiya said...

there was a stage in my life when my dad used to terrorize me.. then it was my mum who did the honour for most my life... but now my little brother (or so i thought) has taken over...

Kitty said...

WTH she must hav been one hell of a mother. If this had ever happened to me.. I mean if my dad threatened to tel my mom, I would laughed aloud right at the shop :D

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