C'est la vie...

Sometimes you think you are fine...

The world around you is awesome...

You are on a high...

Things are working out... exactly the way you want them to...

You learn to forget the things you must...

You learn... at last... to move on....

You learn that sometimes you cannot look back without feeling unbelievable pain...

You learn to take everyday as your last day...

You finally learn to be free...

You think you are invincible...

You grow to love yourself for the very first time after a lifetime of self loathing...

You learn to prioritize life and become responsible...

People call it a 'transformation'...

You finally learn to voice out and protect yourself...

You think you are finally 'mature'...

You think your past will never put you down again...

Past? What past? There is only a future...

Even the present is only an immediate past or future...

You learn to love the little things...

You smile for no reason at all...

You wake up in the morning and think its beautiful...

You are no more afraid of the darkness...

You embrace it...

You can handle anything.... anyone....

You don't need anyone...

You are your life...

No one else can take that from you...

You finally learn to discover yourself and settle in...

You look at old pictures and wonder who it was looking back at you...

It definitely wasn't you...

You feel like a bird...

Everything seems so beautiful...

Everything seems so perfect....

And then there are.................................

Those who remind you of the past... again and again.... just to hurt you

Loved ones who sometimes never understand... even when they know they should...

Years spent trying to be someone you are not to keep people happy...

Those songs... that haunt... like the ghost of unfulfilled love...

Those places.... that you never want to go to again... but stand tall like skyscrapers in front of you all the time....

Those people you hate but can never let go of...

The anger that surges within when you are judged for being liberal...

Those memories that hang on stronger when you try to forget...

Time... that merely numbs but doesn't heal...

Those days when you cant sleep and stare at the wall for hours for no reason at all...

Those moments you feel like ending it all...

Pain that can't be described...

The millions of silent tears....

Regret... that eats you constantly from inside...

Those times when you want to talk to someone but there's no one around...

Those months spent on fruitless pursuit..

The many years wasted...




Shreya. said...

this is SO precise...if i may say! Like, yay! that happens to me all the time! kinds?

Elithraniel Arawion said...

@ shreya


SINdhiya said...

"You look at old pictures and wonder who it was looking back at you...
It definitely wasn't you..."

i think i know wat ur talking abt :)

"Those times when you want to talk to someone but there's no one around..."

sometimes, its important to trust ppl and let them in on ur darkest secrets- it helps ease the pain

Elithraniel Arawion said...

@ sindhiya

u pothify :P

The Unsure Ascetic said...

at your previous comment...
Sometimes in your life you just have to pothify..and just live.

quite negative unlike the wolf that everyone knows about.How is your superstar dad?

Netika Lumb said...

One of the fine ways to desribe life.. true, relatable-sadly..

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Its a multitude of feelings in one go!!! Made me smile! :)

Weirdo guy said...
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archana said...

Anusha? Unmaya sollu. Nee ya wrote this?!Cntr C +Ctrl V taana?:P